WE Bridge The Gaps™

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Our healthcare experiences rely upon communication. Yet, as patients WE are rarely communicated with in a manner that is clear, transparent, genuine, and mutually empowering. Healthcare providers experience much the same, in that they are expected to interpret symptoms from so little communication coming from the patient. Creating mutual rapport is key to a meaningful encounter and a collaborative relationship. How can WE accomplish this? WE must acknowledge that it is a multilayered process. There is no quick fix or toolbox for this. It requires personal warmth, deep listening, curiosity, humor, validation and co-creative problem solving. Remember, there are two human beings in these interactions and the responsibilities to communicate well are on both sides.

A good place to start:  

  • WE speak using words that both parties understand

  • WE are present and listen carefully

  • WE share our needs, feelings (including fears) and experiences 

  • WE ask for clarification and do not dismiss and move on too quickly

The benefits and energy from effective communication are long lasting. If an effort is made to make a human connection, the benefits of this connection flows to both parties and continues over time. As you contemplate the WE Bridge The Gaps’ illustrations, imagine the personal power you have to make a difference.